Suffering is …
Suffering is ...
Like a stone in a shoe
Or grit in an oyster shell
It can become a blister or
With time and care a pearl
On the other hand
It can kill you.
December 1995 in New Zealand
Suffering is ...
Like a stone in a shoe
Or grit in an oyster shell
It can become a blister or
With time and care a pearl
On the other hand
It can kill you.
December 1995 in New Zealand
In the league table of conditions migraine is low. It’s down there with depression, fibromyalgia, ME etc. Novelists use it to explain female absences or backsliding: ‘She has one of her migraines,’ as though she could have anyone else’s. I hate them for it. When […]
I enter my other world where pain – a brutal sun – rises so slowly I hardly know its pointless orbit has begun Then – too late – it floods my landscape. Higher, harsher more violent rays find my soul and all dreams die I […]
At St Mary’s College in Wellington, in addition to spending hours practising the piano, I entered a national poetry competition. “Nothing is,” I wrote, “what is cannot be and not be”. That’s nailed it, I thought, on the tram going to school. Unfortunately Sister M refused to enter my poem. Both I and the poem were a disgrace. We were shocked. She never displayed passion but, that day, she had an important message. She thought I had dumped God. I hadn’t then. I was blatantly and badly channeling Gerard Manley Hopkins. I continued to write, and you can read my poems (so far) in chronological order or you can browse the list of poems A-Z.