
Firefighting on Lismore (2)

Firefighting on Lismore (2)

The fire station opening, 1 October 2005 This was a momentous day for the island and a formal affair. Indeed so many turned out there was standing room only when Chief Fire Officer Brian P Sweeney began proceedings. He was flanked by senior members of read more

Firefighting on Lismore (1)

Firefighting on Lismore (1)

Life can be precarious on an island, with heavy reliance on each other, on ferries, air ambulances and of course the volunteer firefighters. Today we are lucky to have a reliable, well-trained firefighting team who go from strength to strength, have many skills, and are read more

14. Conclusion

14. Conclusion

My search for explanations, cures or even temporary relief never ceased until relatively recently when I finally grasped that shutting down when overloaded, in whatever way, was just how I operated/survived. Having accepted this, I stopped being in conflict with myself. Better still I stopped read more

13. Travel

13. Travel

 ‘Oh no she doesn’t get migraines does she.’  I heard these words the first time I slept in my partner’s mother’s house and was too ill to get up! He was not my husband then, but I had flown from New Zealand to inspect him read more

12. The positives outweigh the negatives

12. The positives outweigh the negatives

I often say I have two great loves, yoga and migraines, as both have taught me so much. The well world disbelieves my claim about migraine. Yoga yes; migraine no. While it is true this condition has orchestrated my life in often inconvenient ways, it read more

11. EMDR and antidepressants

11. EMDR and antidepressants

Stress is often said to be a trigger for migraines and while this can be so, it is unhelpful and vague. Stress! What is that? One woman’s stress is another woman’s spur to action! I always prefer overload. And then, because migraine is complicated and read more

10. Gadgets and Headlines

10. Gadgets and Headlines

Simply wanting to be reliable has led me to purchase what appear to be pain-busting gadgetry, all with varying degrees of credibility. Many conditions are targeted in this way, and migraine is particularly vulnerable, being unpredictable and with many symptoms. In earlier times I was read more

9. Alternative practitioners 2

9. Alternative practitioners 2

I do not hold with the division between allopathic medicine and the rest. Anyone I consult is an equal partner attempting to solve a mystery: how the human body/mind functions or not. Allopathic medicine is an expression commonly used by homeopaths to describe the use read more

8. Alternative Practitioners 1

8. Alternative Practitioners 1

‘Your migraines will go if you are ready to let them go!’ Alternative speak for it’s your fault. Anyone with a condition probably thinks there must be a person or therapy waiting to change her life. The reason: we know the world would prefer we read more

6.  Medical Tourism 2

6. Medical Tourism 2

When I was really ill and in unbearable pain, I sometimes asked my GP for morphine. He always refused. Then I read about a woman in Glasgow who died an hour after being given a morphine injection; she had been given 20 times the dose. read more

7. PFO: Migraine and the Heart  

7. PFO: Migraine and the Heart  

What causes migraines remains poorly understood. (Not my words.) But in some cases, the headache symptoms have been linked to a common hole in the heart called a patent foramen ovale, or PFO. Since 2000, some medical reports have indicated that repairing the hole for read more

5. Medical Tourism 1

5. Medical Tourism 1

Migraines do not readily respond to one medication and even when they do, this can randomly stop, which is why the search continues. I first heard about occlusal splints from a nurse who had worked for a Professor of Oral Medicine at the Royal Victoria read more