Tag: New Zealand

5. Medical Tourism 1

5. Medical Tourism 1

Migraines do not readily respond to one medication and even when they do, this can randomly stop, which is why the search continues. I first heard about occlusal splints from a nurse who had worked for a Professor of Oral Medicine at the Royal Victoria read more

2. The venue must be trashed

2. The venue must be trashed

I enter my other world where pain – a brutal sun – rises so slowly I hardly know its pointless orbit has begun Then – too late – it floods my landscape. Higher, harsher more violent rays find my soul and all dreams die I read more

Water Part 2. The Sea The sea

Water Part 2. The Sea The sea

How many times have you been told how lucky you are to live here. Mostly in the summer and by dewy eyed visitors who are not fighting horizontal rain.  Fact is, visitor, I may say ghoulishly, Lismore is lucky to have me. And you are read more

Hares, rubbish broadband, lost financial probity

Hares, rubbish broadband, lost financial probity

26 August 2020 Amy is here cleaning my shiny surfaces. As I type I hear soothing sounds with the odd squeak as she cleans the windows outside. Music as good as Bach. She arrived on her bike in the rain clasping her bucket and pole. read more