Not Poetry
I write Not Poetry
very well too
If I may say so
Whether it breathes
Moves and/or makes people laugh
I know just by listening
“of course it’s Not Poetry”
a lot of women have written Not poetry
Emily Dickinson springs to mind
She wrote it so well she was a genius
I believe someone told her
“it’s certainly interesting but
of course it’s Not poetry”
how wonderful she must have felt
discovering she was a Not poet
especially as she heard it from
someone who espoused the cause of women
and Not women in particular
naturally I feel honoured
belonging to this school
and although no-body has said
to my face I write Not poetry
a woman who worked for Faber and Faber
did say but not to me
it’s interesting but I feel it’s Not poetry
Not poetry has the advantage
Of living in drawers or
in my case filing cabinets
Because it’s not published
And it can be composted.
Still – mustn’t grumble
I could be a real poet
And then I would certainly be busy
Real poets haven’t a choice
(unless they’re black)
of being not poets
so it’s up to us naturals to
potter on quietly
filling our filing cabinets
and being there ready to applaud
when the real poets speak.